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Pipelines are a fully-specified recipe for how to go from content, to embeddings, and back again.

Example ingestion pipeline
  - step: KnowledgeBaseFiles
    name: input
      # specify the source knowledgebases to sync
      knowledgebase_names: ["my_kb"]
      # specify the target index
      vector_index_name: my_vector_index
    inputs: []

  - step: Preprocessor
    name: preprocessor
    step_args: {}
    inputs: [input]

  - step: Chunker
    name: simple_chunker
      chunk_size_words: 320
      chunk_overlap: 30
    inputs: [input]

  - step: SentenceTransformerEmbedder
    name: sentence-transformers
      model_name: BAAI/bge-base-en-v1.5
      include_metadata: [ title, file_name ]
    inputs: [ simple_chunker ]

  - step: ChunkWriter
    name: save
      vector_index_name: my_vector_index
    inputs: [sentence-transformers]
Example query pipeline
  - step: SentenceTransformerEmbedder
    name: query_embedder
      model_name: BAAI/bge-base-en-v1.5
      include_metadata: [ title, file_name ]
      query: "placeholder"
    inputs: [ ]

  - step: Retriever
    name: retriever
      vector_index_name: my_vector_index
      top_k: 100
      metadata_filters: { }
    inputs: ["query_embedder"]

  - step: Reranker
    name: reranker
      query: "placeholder"
      model_name: BAAI/bge-reranker-base
      top_k: 5
      metadata_filters: { }
    inputs: [ retriever ]


Each step is an atomic, constituent component of a pipeline. Each step is defined by three things:

Key Value Type Value Description
name string A name for this step (you can use this name to refer to this step in subsequent inputs sections).
step_args object The step-specific arguments which are passed to this step at runtime. See these docs for the specific arguments you can pass for each step.
inputs array An array of step names which this step depends on. A step's execution is triggered once all the steps in the dependency array have executed successfully.

Dependency Graphs

Behind the scenes, OneContext builds an execution graph of your steps based on the dependencies in your dependency-arrays. This graph is then used to execute your pipeline in the most efficient way possible.

Deploy a new Pipeline

const indexPipelineCreateArgs: OneContext.PipelineCreateType = OneContext.PipelineCreateSchema.parse({
  pipelineName: indexPipelineName,
  pipelineYaml: "./quickstart/example_yamls/index.yaml",

OneContext.createPipeline(indexPipelineCreateArgs).then((res) => {console.log(res)})

where index.yaml refers to the pipeline configuration file in YAML format.

List all the Pipelines

const ListPipelinesArgs: OneContext.ListPipelinesType = OneContext.ListPipelinesSchema.parse({
    verbose: true

OneContext.listPipelines(ListPipelinesArgs).then((res) => {console.log(res)})

Setting verbose equal to true will also display the pipeline config (yaml file) for each pipeline.

Delete a Pipeline

const PipelineDeleteArgs: OneContext.PipelineDeleteType = OneContext.PipelineDeleteSchema.parse({API_KEY: API_KEY, pipelineName: "demoIndexPipeline"})
OneContext.deletePipeline(PipelineDeleteArgs).then((res) => {
if (res.ok)
  {console.log(`Deleted pipeline ${pipe.pipelineName} successfully`)}

Run a Pipeline with Override Arguments

Overriding specific step arguments in a pipeline allows for customized processing and retrieval:

The overrideArgs parameter allows you to modify the default arguments of each step in the pipeline for a specific run. Passed as a dictionary, it specifies the step names as keys, and the step arguments to override as key-value pairs.

const query: string = "How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?"
const QueryPipelineRunArgs: OneContext.RunType = OneContext.RunSchema.parse({
    pipelineName: QueryPipelineName,
    overrideArgs: {"query_embedder" : {"query" : query}, "retriever": {"top_k" : 100}, "reranker": { "query" :  query }}

OneContext.runPipeline(QueryPipelineRunArgs).then((res) => {console.log(util.inspect(res, {showHidden: true, colors: true}))})