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The MetadataGenerator step lets you use an OpenAI language model to generate arbitrary metadata for each chunk passed to the step. This can be useful for classification, intent detection and extraction tasks.

You must register your OpenAI api key with OneContext to use this step.

Step Args
Key Value Type Value Description
model literal An OpenAI chat model.
template str A Jinja2 template to create the prompt
variables dict[str, str] Additional variables to fill in the template. Note these can be passed at runtime.
model_kwargs dict[str, Any] Parameters to be passed to the OpenAI completion model (eg. temperature, stop, ...).
parse_json bool Whether to attempt to parse the LLM response into JSON.


Each chunk is passed through the generator separately. The results are stored in the chunk metadata with the key matching the name of the user defined step name.

Result Key Value Type Value Description
llm_response str The raw response from the LLM.
prompt str The filled prompt passed to the LLM.
model_kwargs dict[str, Any] Parameters passed to the OpenAI completion model (eg. temperature, stop, ...).
json dic[str, Any] None the parsed JSON if parse_json is True and the parse succeeded


Jinja2 templates are used to generate the prompts. You can learn more about the template language here.

Any values passed in variables will be passed to the template. This allows you to override the variables at runtime like any other pipeline field.

In addition to the variables passed by the user, the variable chunk is provided automatically for each prompt. Therefore you could include the chunk content and metadata in the template string as below:

This is the content of the chunk:


Here is a metadata tag:



Here is an example of how you could use this step to further critique the relevance of each retrieved chunk in a retrieval pipeline.

Note that we use the {"response_format": {"type" : {"json_object"}} OpenAI model parameter to constrain the output to json.

  - step: SentenceTransformerEmbedder
    name: embedder
      model_name: BAAI/bge-base-en-v1.5
      query: placeholder
    inputs: [ ]

  - step: Retriever
    name: retriever
      vector_index_name: my_vector_index
      top_k: 100
      return_embeddings: false
    inputs: [ embedder ]

  - step: Reranker
    name: reranker
      query: placeholder
      model_name: BAAI/bge-reranker-base
      top_k: 10
    inputs: [ retriever ]

  - step: MetadataGenerator
    name: critic
      variables: { "query" : "the user's query"}
      parse_json: true
      model_name: gpt-4-turbo
        max_tokens: 10
          type: json_object
      template: |

        Determine if the candidate paragraph is specifically relevant
        to the user's query.

        Respond with a boolean true if it is specifically relevant,
        and false if it is not.

        ONLY respond true if you are CERTAIN that the paragraph of information
        is relevant to the user's query.

        The user's query is:

        {{ query }}

        and the candidate paragraph is:

        {{ chunk.content}}

        NOTE, your output should ONLY be in JSON format, using this schema:
        {"is_relevant": true or false}

    inputs: [ reranker ]

The resulting chunks will have the parsed JSON results stored in chunk.metadata_json['critic']['json']['is_relevant']